​​General Engineering Contractors

License # 842746 

AQUASTAT is the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) global water information system, developed by the Land and Water Division and is the most quoted source on global water statistics.

You might be a welder if...

...everyone is asking you, “Couldn’t you just buy that?” use a welding rod for chop sticks. have sunburn in the winter.
...your shirts, sneakers, and socks are ventilated. find yourself flicking your head down when the sun gets in your eyes. keep feeling for a knob on the back of your hard hat or baseball cap. squeeze your fork to release the food. lay z-weave ketchup beads on your eggs or french fries. tie things down with MIG wire 


Southern California's water-efficient practices have set standards that distinguish us from the rest of the nation yet the average family still uses about 650 gallons of water per day! Here's how you can save water in the most common areas of your property. the bathroom
Check all toilets for leaks
Do not use the toilet as an ash tray or wastebasket
Put a plastic bottle in your toilet tank
Take shorter showers
Install water-saving shower heads or flow restrictors
Take baths
Turn off the water while brushing teeth
Turn off the water while shaving
Check faucets and pipes for leaks

... in the kitchen and laundry
Use an automatic dishwasher only for full loads
Don’t let the faucet run while cleaning vegetables
Keep a bottle of drinking water in the refrigerator
When washing dishes by hand, don’t leave the water running while rinsing
Check faucets and pipes for leaks

California Institute for Water Resources states that in times of plenty and times of drought, California’s academic institutions serve as a tremendous resource both in offering everything from near-term management advice to farmers and ranchers to the innovative work being carried out by researchers on a vast array of issues from drought resistant crops to snow sensors to climate change. 

To help assure safe drinking water, the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) was passed by Congress in 1974. Its purpose is to protect public health by regulating the drinking water supply and sources of drinking water. Find the Water Quality Consumer Confidence Reports (CCR) for your area.